Ozone Therapy
What is Ozone
Ozone molecule has three Oxygen atoms. It is a highly energetic form of normal (diatomic) Oxygen molecule. Ozone is a very active and reactive form of oxygen which quickly combines with blood, lymph and other tissues of body and purifies them. Oxygen is an important factor to sustain life. Lack of adequate oxygen is known to promote cancer and many other medical diseases.
What is Ozone Therapy
OZONE THERAPY was discovered in germany well over one hundred years ago but did not come in common use till recently. It is now becoming more popular in various parts of the world. Ozone therapy is not given through nose like oxygen. Exact measured quantitiles of Ozone gas are administered through rectum as an enema, vagina, eardrums, mixed in blood or saline infusions. Ozone gas and ozonated oils are also applied over the affected parts and ulcers for quick healing. Each treatment takes only a few minutes. No anesthesia is required and patients can talk cheerfully during the treatment. These sessions are given two or three times weekly for total of about 15 to 20 sittings. It may be continued thereafter if needed.
Science of Ozone Therapy
Many scientific papers have been published in the world medical literature and have confirmed efficacy, safety and simplicity of ozone therapy. Below is the gist:
Ozone gives more oxygen to Red Blood Cells and increases their glucose uptake.
It makes tissue cell membranes more elastic, pliable and healthy.
It helps cells to intake nutrients efficiently and throw out waste products quickly.
It relaxes blood vessels, capillaries and increases circulation.
It primes White Blood Cells and makes Immune System more efficient.
It destroys viruses, bacteria, fungi and other germs thus controling infections.
It helps diseased cells to get rid of toxins and harmful free radicals.
Ozone helps increase energy level in body and has anti-ageing effect.
Diseases Treated with Ozone
Infected WoundsOpen leg ulcers, bed sores and burns are successfully treated by Ozone in practically all cases. Clinical studies haves hown that even very severe cases improve with Ozone.
Circulatory DisordersOzone Therapy gives very good results in aterial circulatory disorders characterized by sensation of heaviness and coldness and/or paints in the legs, especiaaly while walking. (Well known as smoker's leg or internittent claudications) Ozone Therapy has avoided amputation in large number of cases.
Macular DegenerationOzone is used to improve weak eye sight due to age related retinal detachment. (ARMD)
Geriatric ConditionsOzone shws geral revitalising capacity (including nerve and brain functions). Therfore, it can be successfully used fo rpoor concentration, forgetfulness, general reduction in mental and physical performance, insecurity in walking (balancing problems) and clinical dizziness or vertigo. Elderly people generally experience a feelig of well being and improved qulaity of life.
Intestinal ConditionsInflammatory condition of the large intestines (eg. colitis) and small itestines, fistulas and proctitis (inflammation of the rectum) - many such unpleasant and inconvenient conditions are favorably treated by Rectal Insufflation of Ozone.
Remember: Ozone Helps
Rejuvenation: Increase in enery levels
Detoxification: BOdy gets a breath of fresh air !
Feeling of well being, improvement in quality of life
Control of pain
Less infections an dfaster cure of infections, sometimes even without antibiotics
Very safe, natural, low cost, complementary therapy
No side effects experienced by the patient as aginst dreadful side effects of some allopathic drugs
Effective for a large veriety of illnesses.
Viral DiseasesClinical trials have shown good results of Ozone treatment in viral conditions like herpes zoster, Herpes simplex and hepatitis C. Ozone Therapy reduces the duration of the diseases, heals more efficiently and patient is back to his normal state of well-being in short time.
Rheumatoid Arthritis, Ankylosing SpondylitisOzone Therapy, in these coniditons, causes pain and inflammation to subside. Repeated treatments are advised to maintain the imrovement.
CancerOzone Therapy is given as a complementary therapy in addition to standard conventional treatment. it is a very good supportive treatment in Cancer CAre. It produces its effects by immune activation. It reduces the side effects of the conventional methods and creates a sense of well being. It also reduces pain.
How does it help in Cancer patients?• Despite being a powerful oxidant, Ozone is able to stimulate the anti-oxidant defense system and therfore promoting a preconditioning effect or adapatability to oxidative stress.
• Free radicals generated during radiation and chemotherapy is effectively dealt with this stimulated anti-oxidnat defense system.
• Ozone stimulates synthesis of various cytokines. This leads to up regulation of immune system. Immune system remains in the alert state and helps enhance the effectiveness of other conventional treatments.
• Liver activation by Ozone therapy improves enzyme function adn detoxification.
• In cancer ther is loss of apoptosis. Free radicals generated by Ozone, induces apoptosis in cancer cells.
• Ozone leads to new vessel formation inside the fumor, increasing oxygen supply. Thsi leads to anaerobic cancer cell death.
• It is a powerful germicidal agent; it helps fight the infections caused by decreased immunity.
Ozone Therapy in Cancer is a safe and painless supplemental therapy. It has to be taken for 20 sittings and followed by maintenance dose.
Causes of osteoarthirtisMechanical forces leading to wear and tear along with Mediators of pain in Chronic inflammatory reaction
Oedema and inflammation leading to ischemia
Collagenase and proteoglycanases secreted by activated chondrocytes and monocytes leading to matrix degeneration, softening and destruction of knee joint.
Mode of administrationOzone therapy is given in the form of Injections under aseptic precautions around the knee (Peri articular Injections for abour 10 to 15 sittings) and inside the knee joint (Intra articular for about 3 to 5 sittings)
Mechanism of action of OzoneProteolytic enzymes and endogenous ROS are inhibited
Bradykinin and inflammatory PG release is inhibited
RElease of immunosuppressive cytokines TGF-beta and IL-10 may inhibit inflammation
Disapperance of oedema leads to improved circulation, washing away of lacticacid and relief in pain
Ozone injections act as ana analgesic
Algic stimulation of skin can reduce pain through mechanism of Diffuse Noxious Inhibitory Control.
many other systemic as well as local diseases can be effectively treated with OZONE THERAPY can be considered as a supportive therapy.